The Ribbon Cutting and Opening Day for our PCYC Clubhouse at European Village was officially opened on Sunday, June 26. Commodore Donella Crawford cut the ribbon and declared the Clubhouse open for business — and fun!

About 40 members attended the official ribbon cutting and celebration.

There was a brunch with way too much food — an apparent tradition for PCYC events.

Two of the members entered the appetizer competition with winner to be announced at the next General Meeting.

But the day was all about the newly decorated facility that will house all kinds of activities for a club that is becoming much more active.

The high top tables by the windows give members a great view of the European Village courtyard.

The soft seating area is a great place for comfortable conversation and lounging.

And there’s plenty of space to enjoy meals from one of the eight European Village restaurants, play games, have meetings and plan cruises and boating adventures.
Thanks to Mike Ferreira and his committee for finding this great location. And hats off to Ruthanne Ferreira and her crew for designing and doing the dozens of tasks necessary to make this venue and this day a success.