Once a month volunteers from Palm Coast Yacht Club visit two of the islands on the Intracoastal Waterway to improve conditions for other boaters.

In June 2006, the Palm Coast Yacht Club was approached by Washington Oaks Gardens and Faver Dykes State Parks to take on a special community service project to benefit area boaters.
Through funding by the Florida Communities Trust and the Florida forever Funds, the park service acquired two islands on the Intracoastal Waterway. Mellon Island located in St. Johns County and Jordan Island, bordering Flagler and St. Johns Counties are accessible only by watercraft.

Accepting the request for assistance, PCYC members cleared the islands of trash, which is an ongoing project, They have cleared brush for primitive camp sited, installed park signs, built picnic tables, cut a trail system across Mellon Island, set up fire rings and installed tie-up posts for securing boats at the shore line.

The PCYC volunteers were recognized by Florida’s Department of Environment of Environmental Protection with their 2007 Group Volunteer Project Service Award.

The Club schedules its island cleanups for the third Wednesday of every month.